lama sungguh x berupdate blog ni... mood xsmpi lg... so.. kat sini ader a few pic hasil dr keje2 aku sblum ni... ala yg mega project tu... megalah sgt... hikhikhik...

ini antara pyramid purse yg diorder oleh officemate as a goodies in her wedding day...
thanks to her for this order... btw sesiapa yg nak order blh email or ym k...

ni plak antara bag yg diorder oleh kwn2 my sis... more bag will be uploaded nxtweek.. ni pun blh order gak... kain2 blh pilih k..

oleh kerana smua order pun abis, nk start pleat kak naiz sori yer tertunda jer nk pleat kain akak... n nak jahit bj utk tisya my lil princess n my own blouse.... so many to do but errmmm... am i had an enough time?..... will try my best as it is can release my stress... see u again....

Truly It's Me...